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Will We Have A 2024 Election?

by steve - 2024-08-25 ( education / research / politics / conspiracies ) [html version]

Interesting. Something about Sarah bothers me. I've said for some while that "plan B" was to nuke us but they went with Plan C, the scamdemic, but they may still go back to Plan B (but not nuke all but the large cities).

On Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 07:50:22 AM PDT, someone wrote:

Naomi Wolf doesn't think so. We've just witnessed a coup, ironically against an installed puppet who obviously stole the 2020 election. The question is who actually runs the country now? And more importantly, how can we get the country back?

Naomi Wolf gives excellent advice on how we can survive what's coming and how not to comply with the tyranny. Really an important video to watch.

Watch on Bitchute .

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