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Why Modern Day Jews Have No Legitimate Claim To Israel

by doug - 2024-09-06 ( education / research / religion / politics ) [html version]

Pretty interesting historical argument by Adams: Watch on Bitchute

Israelis are NOT the Jews of the bible. They were from Khazaria (Ukraine) so their ancestors did not formerly occupy it.

On 9/6/2024 12:29 AM, someone wrote:

No one has a legitimate claim to any land unless they purchased it.  Failing that, they have to have discovered it... unoccupied. If our great-grandparents inhabited a plot of land two hundred years ago, then abandoned it for a hundred years, you and I would not be allowed to come back and claim it as ours simply because someone in our family used to live there.  Zionist/Israeli claims are absolute bullsh-t.

On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 10:15:01 PM PDT, someone wrote:

I haven't watched it yet but I've done the research. The Ashkenazis are NOT SEMITES. They are descended from Japheth instead of Shem and the only reason they have Israel now is because the Rothschilds BOUGHT OFF Woodrow Wilson with the Balfour Declaration. They are NOT the "Jews of the bible." There are MANY Jews in New York who didn't want to go along with the Zionists and are against Zionism. Here's some videos of them protesting Zionism: Jews Against Zionism

On Friday, September 6, 2024 at 07:07:57 AM PDT, someone wrote:

In case either one of you still hasn't watched it, both of your arguments were given.

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