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What Happens In Your Brain When You Get Mad, And How To Control It

by admin - 2013-06-28 04:00:00 ( in life, health, mental) [php version] rebuild

I love this! Especially after my last post.

"By using one of his strategies, 'projecting peace,' you can 'activate a different set of mirror neurons and begin to defuse the other's anger.' You can get them to mirror your calm instead of you mirroring their anger. A good example is at the beginning of the book where he tells a story of averting a disastrous situation with a psychotic patient who was threatening to hit a nurse with a chair. Shrand walked in and calmly asked the patient if he might like some coffee. By projecting peace, by showing the patient calm and trust, the patient felt calm and trusted. The anger was defused."

The original link is gone, but here's a link to similar articles: What Happens In Your Brain When You Get Mad, And How To Control It

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