Very Few Countries Not Requiring Ridiculous Health Precautionsby bill - 2021-04-10 ( life / travel / covid / vaccines ) [html version][Updated: 2022-04-02 17:44:38]There are very few places a person can go, at the moment (April 6, 2021), without worrying about bureaucrats and their ridiculous "health" requirements, making you spend several days in quarantine (hopefully, at least in your hotel, not the airport luggage carousel). Of course, returning to your country will probably still require your participation in the charade. Read, listen or watch the rest here: countries-without-any-travel-restrictions-or-entry-requirements/ for a regularly-updated list. LATEST North/South American countries with NO testing/quarantines (as of MARCH 29, 2022)Complete list here: countries-without-any-travel-restrictions-or-entry-requirements/ and interactive map here: world map similar posts here ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "very-few-countries-not-requiring-ridiculous-health-precautions": |