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Trying To Use FileZilla

by steve - 2021-05-15 ( education / research ) [html version]

,I'm finally trying to upload files.The site that I want the files sent

To:s-writings.mailchimpsites.comUsername: Hpassword: WriteChimp1$ (but in the screenshot it just shows black dots).As the attached screenshot shows, on the left I clicked on all the files that I wanted sent, put that info into the boxes, and clicked on "send" and got errors so I tried "quickconnect" and still= got errors. Any idea what the problem is?

,I'm finally trying to upload files.The site that I want the files sent

To:s-writings.mailchimpsites.comUsername: Hpassword: WriteChimp1$ (but in the screenshot it just shows black dots).As the attached screenshot shows, on the left I clicked on all the files that I wanted sent, put that info into the boxes, and clicked on "send" and got errors so I tried "quickconnect" and still  got errors. Any idea what the problem is?

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