Trump Owes Banksters, Big Timeby steve - 2024-09-03 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]We're surrounded by liberals with kamala signs here. I'm tempted to make a "Walz brother is for Trump" sign and wonder how long it'd last on our lawn. Other people who had Trump signs on their lawn were attacked. Gee, who are the HATERS? On Monday, September 2, 2024 at 10:03:55 AM PDT, someone wrote: Yea, exactly the lazy asses I mentioned. I have a custom metal piece I got for my mailbox that says "freedom isn't free" which I still need to attach. These lazy ass people don't deserve sh-t if they can't get involved in fixing our country. On Monday, September 2nd, 2024 at 11:53 AM, someone wrote: unfortunately, most see this as "blah, blah, blah" and remaining ignorant and "going along to get along" is bliss On Monday, September 2, 2024 at 09:22:32 AM PDT, someone wrote: Do you seriously think he isn't beholden to them? And since these banksters probably all wear small hats, with a son in law who wears one and his often stated undying support for them, he's little more than an actor on puppet strings controlled by fake Jew Zionists. Yes, he's probably way better than the current fake vice president, but is he really the deep state's worst nightmare? Don't get your hopes too high when another professed puppet of the Zionists (RFK Jr) joins forces. "I will never let you down" are empty words that are just hopium for the masses. Take a look at a real America first patriot candidate for president, Dr Shiva. No, he won't win but the fact he's raising the awareness of people of the true problem which is Americans have become lazy and detached from politics. He's trying to ignite a bottom's up movement to change the bullsh-t the parasite class (we foolishly call elites) has created since 1776. It's the only real way to take back our country from these Marxists controlled by technocrats that are in full swing of creating a real dystopia. We have to raise the level of consciousness of enough people to make the changes at the local level which in the agate will change the whole country. similar posts here ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "trump-owes-banksters-big-time": |