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Things That Make You Say, You've Got To Be Kidding

by bill - 2011-10-11 ( education / tech / computers / internet ) [html version]

Just the other day I had bought a second wi-fi router from a seller on Craigslist to daisy-chain the two together (somehow) to improve the wireless signal throughout my house. No, it's not a big house.

Anyway, last night our power went out for about a minute. No big deal, I thought, other than having to reset all the digital clocks. I'll give you one guess which device was the only thing damaged by the power surge. That's right, the old wi-fi router. And yes it was on a surge protector with other devices that were not damaged.

It was as if someone "out/up there" knew what was coming and made me start shopping for a new wi-fi router. Or, maybe God wanted to make sure I never lost my connection to the Internet ... so I could post stupid things like this! Yeah, that's it.

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