The Real Problemby steve - 2022-11-19 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]most are ignorant about the "federal reserve" (the bank that he's complained about). We could have the Treasury print money FREE but, instead, we are charged "interest" by the federal reserve for every dollar they Create. Guess who owns the Federal Reserve. It's the banksters, the same ones who tried to get General Smedley Butler to create a coup to overthrow the government around 1930 or so.Does anybody question how the banks are like palaces? How can they afford that when they just have YOUR "money" to earn their own money? They "lend" it out ten times. If the math is done, they "earn" more money from your deposit than what you actually put in the bank (fractional reserve banking).Here's one article: The Federal Reserve System Is A Massive Wealth Redistribution Scheme " The Truth The Federal Reserve System Is A Massive Wealth Redistribution Scheme " T... Article mentions "too many people" need to be reduced by wars and disease in the time of Benjamin Andrew Jackson fighting the banksters was mentioned: President Andrew Jackson Vs Jewish Bankers!Real Jew News President Andrew Jackson Vs Jewish Bankers!Real Jew News ShinRa a related article (why income tax not needed): Here's a link to a search that shows lots of videos about the Federal Reserve: On Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 10:06:57 AM PST:
I think you might love what this guy says. He nailed it. I never heard of him before but just subscribed. blog version similar posts here ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "the-real-problem": |