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The Cases We're Not Hearing About

by admin - 2021-05-05 ( life / health / covid ) [html version]

"Good article, if only because it sums up the world's prevailing mindset fairly well.

...they simply rolled up their sleeve and allowed themselves to be injected with an unknown substance with unknown risks. Which is Jim Jonesian, almost. The mindless, even hysterical Faith is certainly the same.

The only real difference -- ironically -- is that the latter-day injected want (presumably) to live. And yet, they are shockingly reckless with their lives.

They have no idea what is being shot into them- because no one does. Except perhaps those who made what is being shot into them.

It is an interesting symptom of the sickness -- the mental illness -- going around.

Read, listen or watch the rest here: the cases we're not hearing about or here

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