Tanzania President Still A Problem :-)by doug - 2021-03-20 ( education / research ) [html version]just heard about it here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1IlZVTHhCXk/ [ https://static-3.bitchute.com/live/cover_images/yi2SDYsnwrWe/1IlZVTHhCXk_640x360.jpg] Putin Vs. Biden & Ben Shapiro Supports Mandatory V's For Kids In School! Telegram Chat: http://T.Me/DreamRareChat http://Patreon.com/RareTalk (I Answer All Messages Here) http://StayInTouchWithMe.com (Free Email List) And he said the timing is a bit questionable.
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 12:17 PM Tanzanian president dead https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/17/world/africa/tanzania-president-magufuli-dead.html On 1/31/21 1:18 PM: Love it
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 7:32 AM Tanzania's president warns of "dangerous and unnecessary" covid-19 vaccination The story couldn't be more bizarre. The east African state of Tanzania, known for its positive corona tests on goats and papayas, received a total of 27 million euros from the European Union to fight the corona virus. Quasi as a bonus to the already generous development aid. But the decision-makers there are out of line when it comes to scaremongering around the supposedly dangerous virus, as two cases show. Courageous president exposes corona lie It was President Magufuli (a chemist) personally who impressively demonstrated the flawedness of the corona tests in May last year. At that time he tested a goat and a papaya (!) Positive for the virus. The mockery and criticism from the West (strangely no racism?) Came promptly because he did not stick to the official narrative and publicly criticized the World Health Organization (WHO). Now Magufuli added: The covid-19 vaccinations are dangerous, so he warned his citizens about the dangers of the vaccine. The WHO immediately urged Tanzania to follow "science" after the president said covid-19 vaccinations were dangerous and unnecessary if people trusted God. In addition, he will not do a lockdown in his country or on his citizens. EU tried to bribe Tanzania A few months ago, the EU tried to bribe the African state with 27 million (!) Euros from the EU solidarity fund. The condition for the donation of money: The country should completely cor off, i.e. lockdown, also for the tourists who support the country's economy. But also to enforce the covid-19 measures prescribed by the WHO such as strict lockdowns, masks and mass vaccinations. The irony of the matter: Tanzania took the money and then declared the country coronavirus-free. Since then there have been no masks, vaccinations or lockdowns. In addition, the Tanzanian president said last November that he does not intend to use any covid-19 vaccine and will instead rely on local herbs to protect against the disease. Africans more critical of corona hysteria While the entire western world continues to blindly succumb to the corona madness and its dictatorial features, the clocks in Africa (and also South America) are likely to go differently. There, the skepticism and resistance to the pandemia is much greater than in our latitudes. The South African Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng described the corona vaccination as "part of a satanic agenda" and recommended that his compatriots not be vaccinated. https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...sm-coronavirus similar posts here — ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "tanzania-president-still-a-problem": |