Struggle In The Vegetable Gardenby bill - 2013-06-04 07:00:00 ( in life, health, food, home-garden) [php version] rebuildNo, not just me and my pathetic "crop management." While that's definitely been a struggle, there have apparently been physical altercations going on in the garden, specifically on top of the onions. The tops of those plants -- once so proud and erect -- are all now bent over. I hope they're not broken, not that I guess it will affect the bulb in the ground, will it? We already know the culprit: our stupid cat, Sunny. And we already know her opponents: rabbits. Rabbits that don't live to tell about it. It's the strawberries and lettuce next to the onions that these critters are after. Sunny brought one of her victims inside the other night, horrifying our daughter, Elizabeth, asleep in her bed. The rabbit was still alive when brought inside, but not for long. In the morning when Elizabeth woke up, her first, almost apoplectic words were all about what I'd just described. We all agreed it was disgusting, and none of us is particularly fond of the cat lately. But we can't keep her locked outside because then she'll keep waking me up -- repeatedly throughout the night -- scratching at the window. Besides, as I told Elizabeth, the cat thinks she's being helpful by bringing us her kill. She thinks she's providing for the family. Still, it's disgusting and annoying, and I wish I could figure a way out of this situation without harming the cat. similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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