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Simone Gold MD/JD On MRNA Vaccines

by don - 2021-02-18 ( life / health / covid ) [html version]

She's an emergency room doctor who believes in vaccines and has had many vaccines for self and children, BUT covid vaccine unnecessary per the CDC figures:

  • untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are under 20 years old: 99.997%
  • untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are 21 to 50 years old: 99.98%
  • untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are 50 to 69 years old: 99.5%
  • untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are over 70 years old: 95%

mRNA "vaccine" more properly called an "experimental biological agent," and there's no proof it stops transmission

"antibody dependent enhancement" happened in the vaccine trials for the original SARS 1 vaccine, which killed all the animals in the study after they came in contact with the actual virus (due to immune system over-reaction)

unknown risk of lifelong infertility, should not be taken by women of child-bearing age

biggest threat of mandatory vaccines comes from corporations (employers) rather than government

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