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Shopping Without A Mask In California Documentary (Part 1)

by bill - 2020-07-21 ( life / health / covid / shopping ) [html version] rebuild

A "protest video" regarding this unwarranted, unlawful and un-Constitutional requirement for healthy people to wear masks.

Watch video here:

"I started off at Emigh's Hardware in Sacramento to show what life is like for a typical shopper in this summer of the '"pandemic"' who doesn't want to wear a mask. Shot on 15 July 2020.

Link you may want to check into: Peggy Hall,

And here are the mostly positive comments so far:
  • -- Good job, Doug! I'm proud of you. I'm not nearly so confrontational. ha-ha. I just avoid stores with this requirement, hoping that if enough people do, and the store loses enough business, it will force them to defy these bogus "mandates." Thanks!
  • sharylc -- I'll shop at Enighs! I live in Sac area so it would sure be better than going to Home Depot.
  • Sinny -- lets work on a vid together!
  • Sinny -- love your channel!
  • Debbie Holt -- Thank you so much for filming your personal experiences! I really appreciate it. This is just crazy that they have taken away our freedom to Breathe!!!
  • Jeff Floyd -- you sir are a true american.i live in alabama they just mandated masks here.i don't think it gonna fly like they think.ill keep u updated and I am subscribing to you.
    UPDATE: Here's part two:

    click here for related articles.

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