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She's Warming Up To Us

by bill - 2007-12-09 ( family / adoption / holmes / travel ) [html version]

We had her laughing, smiling and giggling today. I pushed her around on the three-wheeler, then "flew" her around the room. She even let us chase her around, and it didn't scare her when I chased her!

She seemed more comfortable with Tara than she was with me today, so that's good. They can do "girlie" things together, you know.

I forgot to mention, but I think yesterday she told me I was smart, "oomNEETsa." Probably because I'm always telling her that. I'm always telling her how pretty she is, too.

So, it was a very good day with Elizabeth. Tomorrow, our visit is in the afternoon. Up until now, it's always been in the mornings, ending at her lunch time.

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