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Russia Completely Bans GMOs In Food Production

by bill - 2015-09-28 ( life / health / food ) [html version] rebuild

That's it! We're moving to Russia! Just kidding (because it kinda sucks over there unless you're rich ... like almost everywhere else, actually). Still, this is good news for humans:

"This is a bold move by the Russian government, and it sits in unison with the newly-ignited global debate on GMOs and the presence of Monsanto in the food supply. It also follows the highly-debated ruling by the World Health Organization that Monsanto's glyphosate-based Roundup is a 'probable carcinogen.'"

Source: Russia Completely Bans GMOs in Food Production

UPDATE: Now Northern Ireland (and Scotland, Germany, Greece and Latvia). That's it, we're moving to N. Ireland!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Uruguay abandons TiSA. That's it, we're moving to Uruguay!

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