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Remember When . .

by doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research ) [html version]

Some people are terrific in school, amazing in business, very successful lawyers, doctors, scientists, but are so damn stupid they couldn't save themselves no matter what.

Truly mind-boggling how effective mind control and brainwashing works.


Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2021 8:18 PM Re:

"laughing fools think"? that's a silly idea

On Saturday, May 15, 2021, 08:17:38 PM PDT:

It was just this time last year when we were called conspiracy theorists when we said chips can be implanted through an injection?

Ha, ha, ha, yea that was hilarious.

I wonder what those laughing fools think now? Anything? Probably not. They were just sleeping with eyes wide open. Life is bliss.

Yet another "theory" proven as fact.


The Smallest-Ever Injectable Chip Hints at a Cybernetic MedicineIE

The world's smallest computer chip is the size of a dust mite! Check out the future of medical tech.

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