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Our Adoption Story

by bill - 2010-04-21 ( family / adoption / holmes ) [html version] rebuild

My wife Tara has written up our adoption story in response to that woman (not far from us, unfortunately) who returned that boy to Russia a couple weeks ago.

With the recent headline news about the Russian adoption that went very very wrong, I have been asked by many friends and family about my opinion of the situation. I've not been able to really articulate my feelings about it, but I do have a strong opinion. I think the best way to answer the questions and give my perspective is to tell our story. So, I'm steering away from the normal topic of my blog to talk one time about this very important issue. If you don't want to read the whole story, that's okay -- just go here to sign the petition requesting that Russia continue to allow adoptions to US citizens.

Here's the original link: Tara's Favorites

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