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NWO Passport System?

by steve - 2022-03-01 ( education / research ) [html version]

I'm thinking of how things might get if the idiots decide to cooperate with a NWO "passport to live" system (It could easily end in chaos and rampant crime, which is what the satanists would love and welcome in Martial Law):

To be able to buyfrom stores, people will steal the passports from the vaxed

Will people inputfake vax data at sites that give the vax?

Will banks notallow their customers to use their bank cards if they don't have the passport?

Will food sourcesdecided to not send food to stores that require the vax passport?

Will people withthe passport be attacked in parking lots by people without the passport tosteal their food or steal their ID (and passport)?

Police will have to decide if they want to or even can deal with particular crimes.

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