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NWO Agenda From 1992

by doug - 2023-09-05 ( education / research ) [html version]

Coleman wrote about the committee of 300 and all the things we call globalism that have come to pass, especially since 2020.

Very interesting

Watch here

I'll look at it later.

Anyhow, some think that the ones on top of all this demonic stuff is the Committee of 300

On Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 07:24:36 PM

Coleman wrote about the committee of 300 and all the things we call globalism that have come to pass, especially since 2020.

Very interesting

I'll look at it later.

Anyhow, some think that the ones on top of all this demonic stuff is the Committee of 300

On Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 07:24:36 PM

Coleman wrote about the committee of 300 and all the things we call globalism that have come to pass, especially since 2020.

Very interesting

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