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My Most Recent EBooks

by bill - 2020-07-11 03:15:15 ( in culture, writing, books, novels) [php version] rebuild

Two of my ebooks are available free of charge all month (July) at Smashwords. The links are at the bottom of that page.

I've already "sold" five copies since yesterday as opposed to five copies over the past year. I guess the price is finally right. :)

Another Way: Beyond the Status Quo blurb: "A politically-incorrect manifesto. Anti-corporate crusader Dobie Pokorny wants to save the world. His old boss, Colonel Charonne, wants to stop him. He meets and falls in love with Kaylie while enduring attacks at every turn. Can they outrun Charonne and his minions? Will Major Watson steal her away? And, what's up with the little blue alien? Is it even real?"

Last Train Out blurb: "Clay and his adopted daughter, Jenna, look forward to their upcoming homeland tour to Russia. His intentions are pure. Hers, not so much. When she goes missing, his worst fears are realized. She is not the innocent little girl he thought she was. Not even close. Their only hope now is to catch the Last Train Out."

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