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More People Standing Up Against Forced Vaccination

by bill - 2021-09-06 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version] rebuild

First it was that Bills wide receiver, then that Vikings coach, then the Vikings and Ravens quarterbacks, and probably others. Now it's Bob Boone, VP of the Washington Nationals baseball team who is resigning (and losing that huge salary) rather than submit to "vaccine" tyranny.

This makes him possibly the only person in Washington with principles and a backbone.

Read, listen or watch the rest here: nats-vp-bob-boone-resigning-over-vaccine-mandate

And, here is a great draft resolution for all states to make into law: defeat-covid-mandates-by-restoring-the-genuine-meaning-of-the-privileges-and-immunities-and-due-process-clauses/

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