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Military Authorized To Kill Americans

by steve - 2024-10-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]

A separate article about it says the military can "assist" local enforcement in "special circumstances" as per US DoD directive 5240.01 (assist law enforcement) but with a twist. Anyone see this one? Zerohedge has its article here.

The directive isn't brand new but this year the DoD added..."

On Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 09:34:26 AM PDT, someone wrote:

Sept 27th, Biden authorized military to kill Americans. It's been almost 1 month, so why hasn't Trump said a word about this treasonous act (the newest of the countless list of previous treasonous acts by this administration)? This video talks about this. Every American should be aware of this and realize the government is literally at war with Americans. Share it.

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