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Massive Land Theft Coming

by steve - 2025-02-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]


monetize everything, telling how much CRYPTO it is worth. Crypto is BACKED BY NOTHING. So, idiots "sell" (give away) their land and other assets for c= rypto. The government messes it. Klaus Schwab was rightm, "you own nothing = and are happy".

Crypto for the Land and Real Estate Swap Is Coming

'Going Direct Reset 2.0 " The Coup' Solari Report Money & Markets: = February 6, 2025 with Catherine Austin Fitts...

On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 09:10:22 AM PST, someone wrote:

Catherine Austin Fitts says she's never been wrong yet as she describes how the government is planning to use Bitcoin to steal the land and make a bunch of new trillionaires.

Very short clip:

Watch on Bitchute

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