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Joe Tippens Protocol (original Version) Complimentary Cancer Treatment

by admin - 2021-11-11 ( life / health / treatment ) [html version]

Fenbendazole dosage guide. Complimentary cancer treatment.

"Fenbendazole 222 mg. Take 1 capsule three days a week, once a day after a fatty meal.* Then take no fenbendazole for four days. Repeat this cycle every week. Bio-Available Curcumin 600 mg. Take 1 capsule two times a day after breakfast and lunch with no pauses. CBD oil 25 mg. Take 1-2 drops (total ~25 mg) under the tongue every day before sleep. *- fenbendazole is really hydrophobic and is poorly absorbed from the intestinal tract. Taking it with or after a meal improves absorption."

Joe Tippens Protocol (the original version).

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