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Ivermectin For Vaccine Victims

by don - 2021-06-25 ( education / research ) [html version]

yes, you can get it for horses...

Last night *Joe Rogan* broadcast what he uniquely called "an emergency

podcast", the only one he's ever done, with *Bret Weinstein* and *Dr

Pierre Kory.* It's quite long and is ALL about Ivermectin, from start to


At *2:11:45*, Dr Pierre Kory starts talking about the post-'vaccine'

spike protein problems, which he's very aware of. *He states that

Ivermectin will handle the spike proteins too*, as it binds to the spike

proteins and neutralizes them. So the remedy for post-'vaccine'

side-effects, mild or serious, may well simply be Ivermectin — if you

can get it.


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