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Cal State U System To Require Covid-19 Vaccinations In Advance Of Full FDA Approval

by doug - 2021-07-28 ( education / research ) [html version]

Mr. Hutchinson,

This is CRIMINAL to coerce students and offer a $100 gift card to commit suicide from this poison vax.

There will be many who die immediately, others who are rendered infertile, and many more who will suffer life-changing physical damage such as myocarditis from the effects of this poison.

Mark my words, you and the others involved in this evil plan to vax the world will pay the price in the form of Nuremberg Trials against the Nazis. You are acting no differently.

Disgusting! It's a crime against humanity.

-- concerned parent

Date: Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 11:47 AM

Dear Students,

Today, the CSU system decided to move forward immediately with a requirement for students, faculty, and staff to be fully vaccinated against covid-19 (or obtain a valid exemption). The official policy will be forthcoming.

Students who plan to be on campus must have at least one vaccine shot prior to the beginning of classes August 23 and must be fully vaccinated by September 30. Vaccines are not fully effective until two weeks after the final dose, and at that point a person is considered "fully vaccinated." Anyone who isn't yet fully vaccinated is required to wear a mask in all campus facilities. Please note, student populations, like those living in University Housing or participating in NCAA athletics, are required to be fully vaccinated prior to the CSU deadline.

I understand this is a significant change from the CSU's announcement in April which stated that the vaccine mandate would take effect upon full FDA approval of one of the vaccines. New developments make it clear that we simply cannot wait. The Delta variant has caused cases to spike nationwide and covid-19 remains a very serious threat for those who are not yet vaccinated. Going to the grocery store, a favorite restaurant, or class can present an unnecessary risk for those who have not taken the vaccine. For these reasons, I support the Chancellor's decision.

Here are some important next steps:

Get Vaccinated If You Haven't Already

Chico State is offering a covid-19 vaccine clinic on campus

On Tuesday, August 3, in the Bell Memorial Union Auditorium between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Use this sign-up sheet to let us know you'll be there and then show up ANY TIME between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to get your shot.

covid-19 vaccines are also widely available at pharmacies nationwide as well as community clinics, often with no appointment necessary. Visit to find an available vaccine near you.

Certify That You've Been Fully Vaccinated

Students who are fully vaccinated can submit their vaccination status and upload a picture of their vaccine record in the Student Center by clicking "covid 19 Vaccination" in the Student Records menu. Once you complete the Student Center form, you have fulfilled the CSU's requirement. This is also where you begin the exemption process.

View detailed instructions on how to submit your vaccination status.

As a thank-you and to encourage you to submit your vaccination info early, the University will hold weekly drawings for fully vaccinated students. Beginning August 3 and continuing through September 10, we will award 10 $100 gift cards to the Wildcat Store and a grand prize of Apple Air Pods each week. All students who certify they are vaccinated in the Student Center are eligible and no further action is required on your part.

We will share additional information about the CSU policy and its implications for our campus as soon as it is available. You can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the vaccine requirement on our covid-19 website.

We know that widespread vaccination is our clearest and best path toward mitigating this pandemic. It is also the key to providing the collegiate experience you deserve. One where you can socialize with your friends and collaborate with your classmates and enjoy all that Chico has to offer without risking your health.


Gayle E. Hutchinson


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