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How Online Censorship Works

by don - 2021-07-01 ( education / research ) [html version]

This guy made a youtube that the FBI didn't like. So they put him in

prison on a bogus charge and delayed his trial until he relented and

pled guilty months later. His cell mate said he wanted to go to trial,

so they delayed his trial another year. Flagrant violation of the

"speedy trial" provision of the constitution, but they just do it if

they feel like it.

this same guy says he's in the future and just visiting our time:index -- copy -- copy -- copy

index -- copy -- copy -- copy

(so, still ready to believe him?)

On Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 05:31:31 PM someone wrote:

This guy made a youtube that the FBI didn't like. So they put him in

prison on a bogus charge and delayed his trial until he relented and

pled guilty months later. His cell mate said he wanted to go to trial,

so they delayed his trial another year. Flagrant violation of the

"speedy trial" provision of the constitution, but they just do it if

they feel like it.

similar posts here... and elsewhere

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