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Getting Organized

by tara - 2010-06-22 ( life / miscellany ) [html version]

On Tara's Faves, Tara says...

"I've been taking some time off from blogging to concentrate on some work issues and also household issues. One of those household issues is my closets. They are out of control. The worst offender was the bathroom closet. My bathroom closet serves multiple purposes. It is the linen closet (bath, bed and table), my medicine cabinet, where my stockpile of toiletries are kept and also just a home for odds and ends. My stockpile had taken over the whole closet and it was assured that you would be hit by some falling object each time you opened the door."

Read, listen or watch the rest here: Tara's Faves

I'm especially impressed with Item 3, putting everything into the pillowcase. I don't know if this is her original idea, but it's one of those that makes me say, "Why didn't I think of that?!"

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