Free Speech / Anti-Semitismby steve - 2024-05-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Yeah, women are lower class and treated like property, but that's not a problem. [sarcasm] There's plenty of stories of women marrying Muslims or going there and pretty much becoming slaves, but that's okay because they don't see being a slave to the NWO a problem, either. On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 04:12:59 PM PDT, someone wrote: Interesting that you say that, because I've also heard that many younger people are converting to be Muslims, maybe because they see there's no such gender insanity, no attacks on the family, rainbow idiots, school groomers, etc. On 2024-05-04 17:44, someone wrote: Lots of Muslims have left Islam to become Christians, so nobody is doomed if they really care to look into what's going on On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 03:02:15 PM PDT, someone wrote: How do you explain why many who call themselves Jews are awesome people, while others are complete evil pieces of sh-t? I think it's not genetic. It's learned behavior, such as 80% in Israel support the genocide in Gaza. And all the videos they post clearly show their insanity. If you haven't already seen many of these kids on videos, just watch any of the videos on Bitchute by Max Igan (Crowsnest). That's very obviously learned the behavior. On 2024-05-04 16:50, someone wrote: In my Conspiracy of the Morlocks story (available on Amazon), the travelers (now there's three of them) wanted to go back and figure out how humanity got to the state of there being just Morlocks and the Eloi that they preyed on. Well, I did the research. From what I found, it started with Cain slewing Abel in the bible. Canaanites came from Cain and were known for being evil, killing kids. They spread out and disappeared but many headed north to become Hittites. They spread northward to disappear and ended up in Khazaria (current Ukraine). Ashkenazis came from Khazaria and thus they seem to still have the evil disposition of long ago. Now they're PRETENDING to be Semites in Palestine and in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 if the bible, they're called the "synagogue of Satan" for doing that. Other names for them: Illuminati, Khazarian mafia, globalists, and Deep State. On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 11:43:58 AM PDT, someone wrote: Exceptional report about the attack on the first amendment. Don't miss it similar posts here — ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "free-speech-anti-semitism": |