Free Funeral Gift Card With Your Vaccineby doug - 2022-10-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]-- Australia has solved the vaccine hesitancy problem: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccine If you die from the vaccine, they'll pay for your funeral. So now, you have no reason to say "No." One minor problem: the payment is not guaranteed. Your next of kin still has to apply. Deceased covid-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs. In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We'll make this payment to the deceased's estate. Read on [] -- -/// -- - -- Australia has solved the vaccine hesitancy problem: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccine If you die from the vaccine, they'll pay for your funeral. So now, you have no reason to say "No." One minor problem: the payment is not guaranteed. Your next of kin still has to apply. Deceased covid-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs. In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We'll make this payment to the deceased's estate. Read on -- -/// -- - ---- similar posts here — ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "free-funeral-gift-card-with-your-vaccine": |