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Excellent Letter To School

by doug - 2021-07-17 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

This is an excellent letter from parents to school superintendent.

The response is chilling.;sxc1/



Think things will be better this school year? Think again

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Doctor tests his patients who got the shot and has shocking results


Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for covid Have Permanent Heart Damage

In this explosive interview of Dr. Charles Hoffe on the Laura Lynn show, Dr. Hoffe explains how he has tested his patients who have received the covid-19 shots and that 62% of them show blood clotting and permanent damage as a result. "The worst is =85


Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 10:29 AMRe:

it's not really about masks because fauXi long ago said that those masks don't work against a virus (and those N95 masks don't stop an infected person from breathing the virus on everybody else). it's about teaching kids to OBEY BIG BROTHER -- SUBMIT. or as the Borg of Star Trek said, "resistance is futile"

On Thursday, July 15, 2021, 09:31:46 AM


This is an excellent letter from parents to school superintendent.

The response is chilling.


Think things will be better this school year? Think again

Give Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out


Doctor tests his patients who got the shot and has shocking results


Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for covid Have Permanent Heart Damage

In this explosive interview of Dr. Charles Hoffe on the Laura Lynn show, Dr. Hoffe explains how he has tested his patients who have received the covid-19 shots and that 62% of them show blood clotting and permanent damage as a result. "The worst is =85


Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 10:29 AM Re:

it's not really about masks because fauXi long ago said that those masks don't work against a virus (and those N95 masks don't stop an infected person from breathing the virus on everybody else). it's about teaching kids to OBEY BIG BROTHER -- SUBMIT. or as the Borg of Star Trek said, "resistance is futile"

On Thursday, July 15, 2021, 09:31:46 AM


This is an excellent letter from parents to school superintendent.

The response is chilling.


Think things will be better this school year? Think again

Give Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out


Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund

donations used for DNA testing

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