Eric Claptonby don - 2021-06-18 ( education / research ) [html version]What has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt is that there is a global government that can force every country to do as it says. And that means every economic or political problem in the world is intentional on the part of this global government because they are all-powerful. On 6/16/21 9:05 PM: and most of those for the scam didn't have their business go bankrupt due to lack of customer, either. On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 06:21:23 PM , wrote:
I like what Van Morrison said last year, "We're NOT all in this together. The people in charge haven't missed a paycheck since this thing began." * Sent: *Wednesday, June 16, 2021 7:54 PM ;
Subject: *Re: Van Morrison's covid protest song be sure to click below the title for official word from the CDC :-) On 6/16/21 3:01 AM: THE FAMOUS ERIC CLAPTON IS REALLY JUST AN ORDINARY GUY He got the media brainwashing, made bad decisions that may kill him, and he explains it all in this interview;YPfkRss/
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