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Elizabeth's Room

by bill - 2007-11-26 ( family / adoption / holmes ) [html version]

OK, here are the pictures:


Child's room 1 Child's room 2


Elizabeth's room 2 Elizabeth's room 3 Elizabeth's room 5

The plaque, if you can't read it, says:

To My Adopted Child
I gazed upon your tiny face
and knew right from the start
that you were sent to fill
a special place within my heart --
bedtime stories, games and laughter --
Days of tears and fun--
Giving joy in so many ways,
your smile still brings the sun--
Love entered my life forever
when you came to be --
child born of another --
Sent from God to me
-- author unknown

Isn't that great? Tara's friend Leslie gave us that.

The pug Joey wanted his picture here, so here it is:

similar posts here... and elsewhere

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