Below is everything (newest at top) with "education+language+grammar+english" in its title or subcategories. WHEN TO USE WHO INSTEAD OF WHOM( education / language / grammar / english )Almost everyone uses the word whom incorrectly. Whom is ONLY correct when following a preposition as in of whom, to whom, from whom, etc. That is the ONLY time you use whom instead of who. And, yes, even your English teacher probably gets it wrong. :) Who without the m is a perfectly valid word.... read more WHAT IS TITLE CASE?( education / language / grammar / english )This might be useful: Title case is one of the conventions used for capitalizing the words in a title, subtitle, heading, or headline: capitalize the first word, the last word, and all major words in bet... read more SHOULD I CAPITALIZE THAT DOG BREED NAME?( education / language / grammar / english )In a word, no. See Do not routinely capitalize the names of dog breeds. Many breed names are composed of proper nouns that you capitalize like Boston and generic terms (like retriever ... read more ANOTHER GRAMMAR COMPLAINT( education / language / grammar / english )I used to be able to spot junk email by its bad grammar, spelling and punctuation. Now, even legitimate emails often fail the test. It makes the grammar Nazi in me very sad. And, no, I'm not a fan of the Oxford comma.... read more THIS WEEK'S LITERACY RANT( education / language / grammar / english )OK, people, the word is led (when pronounced led) not lead unless you're referring to metal . I'm not surprised to see this in social media where it's acceptable (cool, even) to be completely illiterate, but I keep seeing it in news articles written by supposed... read more |