Derby Results (2013)by admin - 2013-05-10 ( culture / sports / horse-racing / triplecrown ) [html version]Florida Derby winner Orb won today's Kentucky Derby in "the slop." But you've probably already heard/read about it. My pick, Revolutionary, finished 3rd. That was better than my picks have done in other years. It's a good thing I didn't places any bets ... as usual. Gambling almost never works for me. When I play the lottery -- not often -- I am amazed at how "not even close!" my numbers are. Golden Soul was second. Normandy Invasion looked like a winner at the top of the stretch, but faded to fourth. Rosie Napravnik's horse Mylute, finished fifth. That's it for my sports report. Watch/read your local news for a real report. similar posts here ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "derby-results-2013": |