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Democrats Plan To Ignore Votes And Install Harris

by steve - 2024-10-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]

I haven't seen the video but I figure the CIA and mercenaries will stir things up and probably kill a few people to help cities go crazy

On Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 08:54:12 AM PDT, someone wrote:

Alex Jones gives good advice on how not to react to this tyrannical behavior that's just a provocation for violence. They'd be very happy to see everyone killing each other.

He lays out various scenarios for what this illegitimate administration is planning. From their viewpoint they don't dare lose power because all their crimes should be prosecuted. So many treasonous acts have been committed that a great many of them should probably be tried for treason and get the death penalty. Better be aware of their plans and think how you will react.

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