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Cayenne Supplements

by don - 2019-04-26 07:00:00 ( in life, health, food, treatment) [php version] rebuild

I'd like to report that if anyone has prostate issues, the best treatment I know of is cayenne pepper capsules [affiliate link]. Some time ago I bought gelatin capsules and a capsule machine, and make my own. I take a couple every morning and I can feel it working on the prostate. Cayenne is known for fighting fungus and cancer. The prostate is known for being difficult to get medicine to, but cayenne seems to have no problem. Cayenne is also good for inflammation and aches and pains.

Since every male over 40 probably has some prostate cancer -- only way to know for sure is to get a biopsy which has been known to spread the cancer and lead to early death -- I decided to also get apricot kernels, which I just received today. I get differing info on dosage -- some say take 1 per 10 lbs of body weight, others say take no more than 2 a day. I'll have to study up on it. I'm not sure of the quality of these as they come from China. Next time I'll probably go for a more trusted source. Prostate cancer is a slow-growing cancer that people normally don't die of (without medical treatment, that is).

Certified-Organic-Apricot-Kernels-Natural [affiliate link]

Disclaimer: According to Wikipedia, B17 is known by the highly technical term of "quackery," although I know someone who successfully fought off stage 4 cancer with apricot kernels.

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