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Canada, World Travel And More

by steve - 2022-04-11 ( education / research ) [html version]


I saw that the message/reply that I sent only went to . Well, now you all know more about a stressful aspect of my life due to a mentally ill (yes, "mother" says "everybody is mentally ill" and thus to me that's an admission that she is).[wife] saw animal skulls on display at "mother's" Unity church. told me that they equate Allah with God. has gone there with "mother" but sent a message to me this morning that she'd like to return to a "Christian church" like the one that [wife] and I go to.

needs a job that will make her financially dependent and able to get an apartment that she can share with a sociable Christian healthy friend who has other friends (which lacks due to kontrol by "mother") because is very social and needs to be around Good people.

I wrote a 130-page book about and found a publisher to publish it but it's just another "vanity press" that just takes advantage of people who want to get their book published and have a few thousand dollars to get it done. I'll publish it on Kindle, which means it probably won't be seen by anybody, though. -

Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022, 08:57:11 AM PDT Re:

I also have to deal with the lunacy involving . The psych= people would only release her to "mother" (though [wife] didn't want her here anyhow). "Mother" wanted to FORCE to get the vax but I threatened the Nuremberg Code and Adult Protective Services to her about and she backed off. Still, the psych place put on a psych drug regimen and "mother" says that can only stay there if she Komplies with taking the drugs which HAVE NOT SHOWN to do any good ("mother" claims that is bipolar or schizo). She's on Lamictal, which just yesterday I read CAUSES the paranoia that has exhibited for quite some time.I've been trying to get to get a job. She has a library certificate so I've helped her apply to library jobs. "Mother" said that the library demands the vax to get a job. I wrote to them and the HR said otherwise. "Mother" then said that the libraries are City, which DOES require the vax so I called them and the libraries are County and which has no vax requirement.So, it seems that "mother' wants IMPRISONED there (if you're not familiar with the movie "Tangled", it's pretty= much that same situation), drugged and helpless until "mother" dies off. Sure, will inherit the house that has a= "value" of about $450K but if has to use that up with nothing to fall back on, what then?

So, it's liberal IDIOCY like that that annoys me every day so, yes, I'm kind ofry at how liberals are LETTING the world be destroyed!

On Sunday, April 10, 2022, 08:28:11 AM PDT, someone wrote:

You are sounding like veryry people these days. You all need to spend time brushing horses and cleaning tack. I don't have the energy to read these articles so it's so good of you to tell me what I should do and think =F0=9F=A4"=

On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 8:23 AM


along the lines of what asked about speed limits.I think that liberals don't feel like adults and "need" one. Adults use their brains to figure out what is right and do it. Liberals don't like that they've been shown to not be adults and want Big Brother to make the adults komply. (look at old videos of people driving around downtown. there weren't lines but people used their brains to avoid crashing into one another. Not all streets have lines now but people use their brains to avoid head-on crashes.)

On Sunday, April 10, 2022, 05:19:42 AM PDT:

That, pretty much answers 's question to me about masks. Thank you. I flew out there last month and wore the suffocating and completely unnecessary mask " because I was not sick " because I had already promised Elizabeth she could go skiing. I will not comply, and have not even for a minute, if at all possible. =

I might ask you, why you comply with the posted speed limit while driving. It's there 'for our safety,' but we all know it's almost always much lower than it has to be. Most of us only comply when there's someone there actively enforcing it and within their government-given rights to throw us in jail.


Average diameter of coronavirus is 0.125 microns. N95 mask filters 0.300 microns or larger, and that's assuming it fits snugly to the face. In other words, it's worthless against viruses.

Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022 2:14 AM

To:; las Re:

Best not comply whatsoever to the fascist psycho slave device . I've never complied to the scam and never will.

As many have said, everyone needs to stop complying and the scam will end.

They don't have a way to enforce the tyranny because we outnumber them. Only when a small number stand up can they make an example out of them. They count on compliance and use the fear factor to get acquiescence.

So how about everyone gather up their courage and tell the next self-appointed tyrant to f--k off -- you are not their slave.

Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 8:56 PM Re:

I wore a mask when working at Target but I got a "paintball mask" that was a metal mesh that I could easily breathe through (earlier, I went into Costco with a fencing mask and it was okay with them and when I chatted with the manager (who I AM

familiar with), he told he somebody else went there with a= full Darth Vader costume. I commented that I knew they just had to do it for fear of some idiot suing them for getting sick from some unmasked person and he agreed). It's because of idiots who Komply and feel unsafe when others don't komply that we have the problem!)

On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 08:40:42 PM PDT:

Speaking of money, I was going to post this separately but it fits nicely into the direction of the conversation.

I just finished listening to this interview of the former assistant HUD secretary under president Bush Sr. Catherine Austin Fitts who's a financial expert who likes to discover money fraud. And she's answering questions from an apparently honest elected government official of Kuwait.

It can serve as a great summary of where the world stands now and how to move forward.

If you have never looked into the covid conspiracy before this would be a great place to start.

Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 5:34 PM Re:

he says using bitcoin is advertising that you have money, and with bitcoin that could be thousands

On 4/9/22 19:21:

good. I hope that digital currency FAILS elsewhere and it's obvious (to the sane people) that it's bad and thus they fight it

On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 04:25:03 PM PDT someone wrote:

His last broadcast was yesterday, and it's interesting that he's in El Salvador where bitcoin is the official currency. And it's not working. He also says don't use bitcoin outside of the US or Europe because it's a good way to get kidnapped or killed.

On 4/9/22 17:59 someone wrote:

The Hobo Traveler (youtube) says countries want you to be vaccinated and even give him flak for only having the 1-shot J&J

On 4/9/22 16:57:

nice to hear that other countries aren't insanely enforcing the killer vax (as biden wants to do with federal employees)

On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 02:45:41 PM PDT:

It's not just a couple guys talking. This Josh Sigurdson nails it. Very good communicator. It's always nice to hear people in media ('influencers') say what I'm thinking. And one very interesting bit of information is that he's travelled to several countries the past couple years that 'require' the 'vaccine' and/or tests, but it's almost never enforced.


1000 Peer-Reviewed Studies Questioning covid-19 Vaccine Safety


N95 masks filter most germs, bacteria & bodily fluids, not viruses. Average diameter of coronavirus is 0.125 microns. N95 mask filters 0.300 microns or larger, and that's assuming the mask fits snugly to the face. In other words, it's worthless against covid.

Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 4:38 PM ; las Re:

just a couple of guys talking, no new information

On 4/9/22 15:32:

I think many people will be interested in this interview. Lots of information. --=678911_773750764.1649612525508

I saw that the message/reply that I sent only went to . Well, now you all know more about a stressful aspect of my life due to a mentally ill (yes, "mother" says "everybody is mentally ill" and thus to me that's an admission that she is).[wife] saw animal skulls on display at "mother's" Unity church. told me that they equate Allah with God. has gone there with "mother" but sent a message to me this morning that she'd like to return to a "Christian church" like the one that [wife] and I go to.
needs a job that will make her financially dependent and able to get an apartment that she can share with a sociable Christian healthy friend who has other friends (which lacks due to kontrol by "mother") because is very social and needs to be around Good people.
I wrote a 130-page book about and found a publisher to publish it but it's just another "vanity press" that just takes advantage of people who want to get their book published and have a few thousand dollars to get it done. I'll publish it on Kindle, which means it probably won't be seen by anybody, though.-

Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022, 08:57:11 AM PDT Re:

I also have to deal with the lunacy involving . The psych  people would only release her to "mother" (though [wife] didn't want her here anyhow). "Mother" wanted to FORCE to get the vax but I threatened the Nuremberg Code and Adult Protective Services to her about and she backed off. Still, the psych place put on a psych drug regimen and "mother" says that can only stay there if she Komplies with taking the drugs which HAVE NOT SHOWN to do any good ("mother" claims that is bipolar or schizo). She's on Lamictal, which just yesterday I read CAUSES the paranoia that has exhibited for quite some time.I've been trying to get to get a job. She has a library certificate so I've helped her apply to library jobs. "Mother" said that the library demands the vax to get a job. I wrote to them and the HR said otherwise. "Mother" then said that the libraries are City, which DOES require the vax so I called them and the libraries are County and which has no vax requirement.So, it seems that "mother' wants IMPRISONED there (if you're not familiar with the movie "Tangled", it's pretty  much that same situation), drugged and helpless until "mother" dies off. Sure, will inherit the house that has a  "value" of about $450K but if has to use that up with nothing to fall back on, what then?

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