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Can You Say Awkward?

by bill - 2015-10-15 ( culture / humor / family ) [html version]

So, I'm walking back from feeding the neighbor's dog while they're on vacation. I see my wife and daughter in the car up ahead, just about to turn onto our street. I'm looking at them. They're looking at me. They're still about a hundred yards away, so I'm actually not entirely sure. To be silly, I pretend to hide behind another neighbor's mailbox. Then I "come out of hiding," smiling like an idiot (because that's how I am).

Now they're REALLY looking at me. And that's when I realize that's not my wife and daughter! It's not even the same model car! It's not even a woman and a girl!

Oh well. I can only hope they didn't have a dashcam. Don't want that showing up on YouTube. :)

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