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Brain Mass

by doug - 2021-07-29 ( education / research ) [html version]

Wow, that's one heck of a message.

I like what says - stay positive and especially laugh.

But I also recommend you watch a full dose of David Icke - so amazing and empowering.

I hope the best for you but can't deny I'm worried.

Will be sending whatever healing power I can towards you.

Love you a whole lot,


Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 7:06 PM

Rowland Re:

oh yeah, that reminds me of another idea from my bike ride. Another reason to get the mRNA (fake vax) is that there's been some research on using it to cure cancer:

New cancer treatments may be on the horizon -- thanks to mRNA vaccines

New cancer treatments may be on the horizon -- thanks to mRNA vaccines

The Covid pandemic brought mRNA vaccines into the limelight. But the technology may also prove to be a powerf...

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 07:03:37 PM PDT someone wrote:

I've heard laughter cures cancer

On 7/28/21 9:00 PM:

For Don's amusement:

So, go online and load up on all the world's funniest movies and watch them non-stop!


So, for anybody who is likely to find offense easily, just DON'T READ BELOW!

Time for a trip to some special place? Should we go to your birth hospital and put a little plaque there for you? would it be offensive if I take out a million dollar insurance policy on you? If not that, maybe a 1-year term life insurance policy?

Of course, they're likely to say you suffered from Covid, so go ahead and get the vaccine and then will they have to blame it on the vaccine?

You could go down in history with some sort of action. Of course, I can't suggest anything in particular because if you do it, they'll look at all your emails and say that I suggested it. (but of course, you know that I mean something benign like, uh, ...., something that doesn't come to mind right now)

You said "ready to meet my maker". Hmmm, who might that be? If aliens seeded earth, might you be expecting to meet them? Then again, if we all evolved from a primordial soup, that doesn't sound too interesting.

I guess you could become a ghost and haunt some place/somebody. Gates' mansion comes to mind.

I guess an atheist (I don't recall if you are one) your body just rots in the ground and you become nothing.

If I understand Buddhism, I suppose you reincarnate as something. Any preferences as what to reincarnate as?

You baptized as Catholic, I suppose you'd have to go to purgatory and say a million "our father"s and a million "hail mary"s before moving onward.

If you were a Christian (actually I think it happens to everybody), you meet Jesus and get one last chance to accept Him to go to Heaven.

If you were Mormon, you could get your own planet to become king over with thousands of slave women.

I think that's all the wonderful ideas I had while on this afternoon's bike ride.


and God Bless, even if you don't believe in Him

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 06:30:19 PM PDT someone wrote:

it's OK , I've been an airhead all my life :-)

On 7/28/21 8:04 PMory someone wrote:

Not funny. Incredibly insensitive.

On 7/28/2021 5:32 PM:

I think that Dad lost half his kidneys. If loses half his brain and it's the liberal half, to lose is to gain!

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 05:11:26 PM PDT:

Good point. I hope you make a full recovery.

Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 4:29 PM

Rowland ; Re:

think positive. dad's football-sized tumor was larger

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 02:26:12 PM PDT:


This is terrible news. I really hope that this isn't goodbye and the doctors can help you. I'm holding you in my thoughts and wish you well.


On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 5:17 PM



Sorry to hear this and I wish you a full recovery.


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On July 28, 2021, 12:28 PM PDT someone wrote:

I had an MRI today to figure out what's wrong with my brain. I have

weird visual phenonomena that makes it hard to drive. THe doctor just

called me and told me that there's a large brain mass on my visual

cortex and I'll go in

On Friday to see the neurosurgeon. I'm fully

prepared to meet my Mmaker. I love you all and will miss you if I do.

I'm sorry for disagreements we have had over the years. [wife], still my

legal spouse though we live apart, will inherit everything I own. I'll

keep you posted, or [wife] will, Im sure.

Please don't phone me today especially, but you can text me starting


You know what's weird is that I'll do something on the computer or other

device and nothing willl happen. It's like my brain is reporting I did

it, but I didn't. The other weird thing is I have been reflecting back

on my life for the last month even though I had no idea of this.

I guesss I'm glad now I never finished rehabbing my house. :-)

I love you all,


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