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Bird Flu B.s. In Missouri

by doug - 2024-10-04 ( life / health / vaccines ) [html version]

Hospitals are "diligently" testing people in at least some parts of Missouri in order to help create the next scamdemic. So even in red states, the demons in Big pharce [pharma farce] medicine are trying hard to repeat the 2020 scamdemic. Do you think it's limited to Missouri? Not a chance in hell.

Stay out of hospitals. Get healthy by eating top quality food. Get the crappy food out of your house. Grow your own so there's no question about the quality. Don't fall for the insane plans of our tyrant overlords. They hate you and want you dead.

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On Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 07:45:31 AM PDT, someone wrote:

I can't remember where I saw it but there's a "bird flu" symposium or something similar.

On Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 08:53:03 PM PDT, someone wrote:

Here it is: New York City Health Officials to Hold Bird Flu Tabletop Exercise.

New York City officials are planning a tabletop simulation later this month to prepare for a hypothetical bird f...

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