Banking Whistleblower: They Have The Namesby staff - 2023-03-19 17:21:49 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuildListening now, but I've never heard of Mike Gill, and I follow horse racing. Also, in order to remove some of the "click bait" quality of this email, here's this: SHADOW BANKING WHISTLEBLOWER: "THEY HAVE THE NAMES" W/ MIKE GILL
Here's a snippet about Gill from a NY Times article:
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2023 1:02 AM Subject: World's top horse racer reveals a bombshell Yea, and I thought I already knew most of it. It's almost incomprehensible. Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 10:58 PM wow. it's amazing how deep the CORRUPTION is! On Friday, March 17, 2023 at 09:34:14 PM : This is amazing and affects all Americans no matter where they live. The more people become aware of this, the better chance it can be fixed. It's something I never knew anything about before. But it fits into all the other problems we already knew about. You really need to share this with everyone you know. similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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