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At Least One Major World Leader, Putin, Is Not Being An A--hole About Vaccination

by bill - 2021-09-02 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

I strongly disagree with his assessment that the vaccination is necessary at all, but at least one world leader, Vladimir Putin, is not being an a**hole about it. And, at least the Russians' "vaccine", Sputnik, actually qualifies as a "vaccine", by definition, not an experimental mRNA injection. See below. Emphasis mine.

"Importantly, no one should be forced to get a jab. Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, [if they refuse] is even less acceptable. People must be convinced of the need..."

Of course, it is Russia, and Putin is ex-KGB, so the thought of being "convinced" is still a bit scary.

Read, listen or watch the rest here: for the entire article. Also, (via

"The 'novel' part of the '"pandemic"' has now been proven false. [Unless you consider the fact that it's entirely fiction! Ha, I crack me up.] Researchers have stated that 'isolates' supplied by the CDC that were supposed to contain covid in fact contained only Influenza A or B.

UPDATE: And now there's this, showing the exact opposite now happening in Russia: russia-forcing-covid-sputnik-vaccine"s-and-vax-passports-amid-cover-up-of-vaccine-deaths/

And then there's this: The Russian covid "vaccines"

See also:

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