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by steve - 2024-08-23 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]

I'm listening but most important is that he said that Skyhorse is the place to get controversial stuff published.

On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 02:49:50 PM PDT, someone wrote:

So, even the CIA started out on the right track, only to be subverted by infiltrators/traitors.

On 8/22/2024 1:56 PM, someone wrote:

There are some comments in this about JFK that might help answer this question.

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On Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 at 1:27 PM, someone wrote:

I'm doing research for the "Recruiter" story and wondered about a connection between the CIA and the Zionists. Well, this article told how in the start of the CIA (1947) they were for the Arabs and against the zionists but also against the commies. I'll have to do more research. I wonder about JFK and the zionists.

The Early CIA and Its Anti-Zionist Maneuvering, by Asaf Romirowsky

At the turn of the 21st century through today, American involvement in Middle Eastern politics runs through the...

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