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An Email Exchange

by bill - 2001-02-11 22:49:14 ( in family, holmes, bill, humor) [php version] rebuild

Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001, 2:59 PM
Tara McKinney
Subject: rescheduled again

Better not bring any boyfriends home tonight. I'll be here, after all. It's been rescheduled for tomorrow.

Got a call from TekSystems-Huntsville. They've got a contract-to-perm job possibility. I told them that you would LOVE to relocate there! :)

Her reply:

My dearest Tom,

Better not come over tonight, "he" is going to be there. But good news! There's a chance that he may go to Huntsville, then we can spend all the time we want together watching reruns of 90210 and tormenting the cat!

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