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American-English Words That Seem To Be Universal

by bill - 2021-03-08 ( education / language / english ) [html version]

[Updated: 2022-08-31 18:20:59]

Judging by foreign-language TV shows/movies I've watched, here are a few English and/or American-English words / mutterings / phrases that now seem universal, no matter which language you speak:

  • "Mm-hmm" or "uh-huh" -- meaning "yes";
  • "OK" or "okay";
  • "Hey";
  • "Super" pronounced "supah" -- meaning "great";

    Of course, the Italian word "ciao" has been universal for years.

    And, it's always possible English stole the others from other languages, as we are wont to do.

    Any others? I feel like I'm missing at least one obvious one. Leave a comment, below...

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