About FriendsNews Pageby bill - 2020-10-12 05:36:26 ( in home, about) [php version] rebuildThis is quite possibly THE COOLEST SITE ON THE INTERNET! Why? Because we let you come and go as you please without being bombarded with pop-ups asking you to join any sort of lists; our pages aren't 90% ads, like so many others; and, we don't use one of those annoying scripts that detects when you are moving your mouse to click away from the site. Please feel free to email us and have us create an account for you to contribute to this blog! FriendsNews.com (aka FriendNews.com) is a family- and friends-oriented open access website. Our goal is to be a family-friendly source for useful information as well as entertainment. Almost nothing is out of bounds, other than porn, violence and stupidity. Still, the editor/webmaster reserves the right to be the final judge of what is acceptable. Disclosure: Some links on this site are affiliate links, which means we earn a tiny (and I do mean tiny) commission if you make a purchase after clicking that link. We try to keep the ads unobtrusive and a good fit for whichever article they're in, and only recommend them if we personally have found them useful. Click here for historical copies of this site AFFILIATE/ASSOCIATE MARKETING DISCLOSURE: We are a participant in the following: 4K Download || Amazon Services LLC Associates Program || BlueHost || Commission Junction || DreamHost || FilterWater || Google Ads || Hotels Combined || Rakuten || Nordic Backup || ShareASale || Shareaholic ... all of which are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to them, though none of them provide all that much. :( similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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