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A Prince In Disguise

by jeannie - 2008-04-20 ( culture / writing / poetry ) [html version]

by Jeannie

We met on the race track in '72
I couldn't resist his eyes, so blue
We soon fell in love and started a life
In '76 he made me his wife

A teacher, leader, rebel and yes
A son, brother, father, the best
Boss man, biker, hero and more
Loving, caring, cheerful, no bore

He meant what he said
He said what he meant
He made new friends
Everywhere he went

Scary to strangers
But never a danger
Children knew him best
With all he would jest

Dirt and street bikes
Shooting sports were his fun
Working on cars
With his daughter and son

He played and loved hard
Worked harder than most
His company had him flying
From coast to coast

He provided a safe haven
For many a girl and boy
A mentor through 4-H
Made learning a joy

To know him was to love him
He would look you in the eyes
And tell if you were lying
Because he was very wise

His friends called him Lumpy
He was Dada to some
An extraordinary man
That is why we all have come

Tot Ziens for now, my love
Until we meet again
We all were very lucky
To call John our friend

similar posts here... and elsewhere

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