Reasons Not To Take The Experimental Treatment Marketed As A Vaccineby bill - 2021-03-07 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]'This is the greatest medical experiment in the history of the human race' Can you relate to some, if not all, of the issues put forth below by Chananya Weissman, an Israeli rabbi, as to why he refuses to roll up his sleeve for Big Pharma's unproven, untested..." Read, listen or watch the rest here UPDATE: And this is what happened when my brother tried to post this on Facebook, a.k.a. FascistBook: ![]() similar posts here — ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "30-reasons-not-to-take-the-experimental-treatment-being-marketed-as-a-vaccine": |