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2013 Video Reveals The Plan By Globalists

by doug - 2024-04-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]

Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare.

On Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 12:23:48 AM PDT:

I've seen her before. I think she's WACKO!

Watch on Bitchute

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